Asmita Singh, Marketing Lead of Heinz issued a call to arms in her talk at the 99//Club Digital Festival, asking “How can we really be consumer obsessed to build a better world through marketing?”.
Asmita pushed everyone to really consider “What are we adding to the world?”, asking us all to rethink the content we’re putting out and if it really is meaningful enough. “Do we need to hear more about Black Lives Matter [or] do we need to hear about some crap content we made just to hit a deadline.
In the video below Asmita shares how brands should be acting; staying connected to customers, staying close to consumers, and speaking only when you’re truly adding value.
NDA will be publishing highlights from the Festival, run in partnership with MAD//Fest, over the coming weeks.
The week-long invite-only festival was a collaboration between MAD//Fest and New Digital Age. Over the course of five days 99 speakers debated topics across themes including media and tech, customer experience and personalisation, brand experience and creativity and innovation for growth.