It’s no secret that this industry likes a drink. We’re social animals, we love a get-together, a chance to catch up with old friends, get the latest industry gossip and put it all on expenses in the name of networking.
From Cannes to Cologne, Soho to Shoreditch we love a party. And most of the time the worst anybody gets is a sore head the next day.
Sadly, we’re hearing that things have taken a more sinister turn in recent weeks with reports of drinks spiking at major industry events.
Let’s be honest, this isn’t something that event organisers and venues can do a great deal about other than providing drinks covers and asking staff to be vigilant. This is a male issue and it’s born of some of the more laddy culture that sadly persists in parts of the industry.
We all have a responsibility to call this out. Not just as an industry title and as an events organiser but as men in the industry. All the platitudes on your company’s social channels mean nothing if we do nothing personally.
If you see this kind of behaviour it needs to be called out and the individuals responsible challenged. This isn’t an events problem or an industry problem. It’s a men’s problem and we need to sort it out.