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How We Built It: Julia Vendramin, CEO of the fashion platform LABELL-D 

Julia Vendramin is CEO of the world’s first closed-loop fashion platform LABELL-D where consumers can buy, resell and repair goods all in the same place and track where every single item has come from and going to. She founded the platform, in 2020

Give us the elevator pitch. Tell us about your brand?

LABELL-D is a tech platform that delivers ongoing value whilst closing the loop of the fashion economy. We are the destination where new and pre-loved products can be purchased, resold, rented, repaired and recycled – crucially, by tracking a garment’s ownership and care.  The platform is designed to reshape consumer attitudes to the clothes and accessories they own and reduce the environmental damage and waste for which the fashion industry is responsible. This is about shifting the way we consume fashion.

What inspired you to set up your company and setting your company up, what goal did you have in mind for LABELL-D?

I co-founded LABELL-D in 2020 with a singular goal in mind: to reframe fashion retail by building a new multifaceted platform that aims to bring ongoing value to stakeholders, brands, consumers and retailers whilst eradicating one of the industry’ biggest problems- the environmental impact.

What was your biggest challenge in year one? T

he biggest challenge for each young start-up is to get people, partners and consumers excited about your project with the use of minimal resources. We’ve had a roller coaster of a ride with a lot of ups and downs which was at times challenging but at the same time an incredible learning curve. I learned the importance of resilience and determination. But at each step of our journey, we had the pleasure to connect with incredible individuals who got us to where we are today. People ask me what my biggest challenge is when we started LABELL-D and I would say to raise funds but it’s all about networking, giving back to the community and immersing people in your vision.

What would you say has been your biggest marketing success?

I went to the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos in January 2023 and met two individuals who knew LABELL-D from browsing and shopping on the website. This was an incredible feeling and a moment of true celebration. Both confirmed that they like our vision and what we are building which is a testament to what we are doing.

What has been the biggest mistake you made?

Going out too early. Our story wasn’t ready, but we wanted things to happen fast and rushed our initial launch. Never rush things and only launch once you are ready.

Tell us about your plans for the future.

We are planning to reshape fashion ecommerce/retail for the better. We are building the platform to reshape how consumers interact and behave with their purchases to ultimately generate value and reduce the impact on the environment. We can’t wait to spread our word and move forward.

How we Built it

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