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How we built it: Zak Ismail and Zara Saleem, founders of vegan skincare brand Delhicious Body

ECA meets the co-founders of Delhicious Body, an all-natural, Ayurvedic-inspired brand rooted with powerful Indian heritage to deliver effective plant-based skincare…

Give us the elevator pitch. Tell us about your brand in 100 words or less

Delhicious Body is a 100% natural, vegan, cruelty-free skincare brand based in London inspired
by powerful Ayurvedic roots, cultural beauty routines and natural ingredients. We noticed a lack of natural beauty products with Indian roots in the mass market which also had a wider appeal. Delhicious aims to bring a range of solution-based skincare with Ayurvedic plant-powered ingredients at the heart of their products.

What inspired you to set up your company?

The inspiration came from a personal challenge with pregnancy induced eczema. Not wanting
to use any steroids, we decided to look for natural solutions from our Indian heritage and
discovered Black Assam Tea. Formulating this into a body scrub, it had incredible results which
made us realise that this was something that could really help others too. We also were keen to
show real South-Asian representation by creating a modern, playful Ayurvedic brand.

What was your biggest challenge in year one?

Getting the brand out there. There is a lot of competition so you are constantly competing with a
wave of large brands who have huge marketing budgets. With a smaller budget, it can make it
incredibly difficult to really push your business however we were creative and used cost free
ways to gain traction such as reaching out to journalists and collaborating with beauty boxes
whose audience we could tap into through sampling.

What would you say has been your biggest marketing success?

The biggest marketing success we have had is going viral on TikTok and growing organically to
over 200,000 followers. This was done through strategic marketing as well as staying on top of
social media trends.

What has been the biggest mistake you made?

Not being prepared for viral success! We sold out so quickly and it ended up being difficult to
keep up with our supply chain. Thankfully we were able to utilise the viral success by turning it
into a waitlist which quickly grew to 50,000 people. However at the time, it was a big mistake to
not plan in advance for stock.

Since then we’ve been able to make use of Shopify’s Reports tool which helped us to pre-plan
our inventory in advance of major sales, like over the holiday season. We’ve also used tools that
made it easy for us to do our email marketing and update our website theme ahead of time to
get in front of as many customers as possible.

What are your plans for the future?

We anticipate huge growth for our brand as we plan to enter the wonderful world of retail and
distribution. Alongside this we will also be entering into many new skincare categories and have
many new products launching this year which is super exciting!

How we Built it

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