Interviews, insight & analysis on digital media & marketing

New Business Bulletin: Co-op, Displayce, Cedara, The Trade Desk and more

A study from Co-op has unveiled how convenience retail media not only boosts sales in Co-op, but also in surrounding grocery stores of up to fourfold the original sales conversion. Research carried out in partnership with Circana suggests a positive halo effect for brand’s overall awareness when advertising in Co-op shops, which can lead to longer term incremental sales uplifts in surrounding non-Co-op stores of up to four times the amount of the immediate sales.

As part of this study, Circana used its test vs control measurement solution (Media Lift), which uses Circana’s complete market sales data to evaluate the sales impact of in-store marketing activity in both Co-op’s own stores and surrounding non-Co-op stores. 

The analysis identifies key brand sales metrics, such as percentage increase in sales value, incremental sales and return on ad spend. The unique part is that the full impact of the brand’s retail media spend can be measured, from Co-op’s own stores and surrounding grocers.

Dean Harris, Head of Co-op Media Network, said: “The results from our research with Circana is clear, when brands activate campaigns with Co-op there is an immediate positive sales impact in our store but also within the surrounding area with retailers that we would typically class as our competitors. As a retail media owner, our main goal for the brands that advertise with us is to generate sales regardless of where that customer purchases the product”.

Displayce, the European programmatic platform for digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising, has announced a strategic partnership with Echo Analytics, a pioneer in geospatial data solutions. Displayce becomes the first DOOH DSP to integrate Echo Analytics’ premium library of points of interest (POI), offering its users advanced and robust targeting capabilities based on location intelligence.

Displayce chose Echo Analytics to integrate its global library of points of interest and points of sale. This integration within the Displayce platform allows users to leverage catchment areas around points of interest and points of sale, offering more precise targeting capabilities for their DOOH campaigns.

Catchment areas represent the geographical zones around a point of interest from which a business attracts its customers, which can vary significantly from one location to another. This data enables more accurate drive-to-store strategies, allowing for more relevant targeting and thus improved conversion rates.

Anzu, the in-game advertising solution, and Cedara, the Carbon Intelligence Platform, have launched a global carbon measurement and compensation solution for intrinsic in-game advertising. This partnership offers advertisers worldwide insights and the option to compensate their carbon emissions.

“As consumer engagement with gaming environments and associated ad-supported monetization continues to increase, there is a growing need to support sustainable media delivery across these platforms,” said David Shaw, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cedara. “Our partnership with Anzu perfectly aligns with the advertising industry’s goal of greater transparency on and reduction of carbon emissions across all media channels.”

Only 48% of uk publishers are actively preparing for the cookieless future, Teads’ study finds.

45% of global web traffic is now cookieless on Teads’ SSP. This shift poses substantial challenges for UK publishers and advertisers. Teads’ latest survey, which involves 555 publishers across 58 countries, reveals that only 48% of UK publishers say they are actively preparing for the cookieless future.

Additionally, over a third (37%) of UK publishers are planning to take action at some point in 2024, and the number of those that are looking to get ahead of the deprecation is 16% higher in the UK compared to average global results.

Reach PLC, the UK’s leading news publisher and owner of 130 national, regional and local media brands including The Mirror, Daily Express and Business Live, has announced it is adopting European Unified ID (EUID), the open-source identity solution originated by The Trade Desk.

EUID is an upgraded alternative to addressable advertising and measurement without a reliance on third-party cookies. It will allow Reach to prioritise the privacy of its twelve million registered users, while simultaneously providing relevant advertising in exchange for quality news and content. 

Mark Edwards, Digital Solutions Director, said: “We are steadfast in our commitment to protecting journalism with a best-in-class digital advertising experience for readers across our suite of brands, whilst maintaining user privacy and control. EUID allows us to do just that by enabling us to effectively monetise our content and it’s through solutions such as these that the industry can safeguard the future of the content we all enjoy.”