Audience measurement company Nielsen has launched a connected TV (CTV) solution aimed at helping advertisers to better understand which individuals within a household are watching specific content.
As it stands, most CTV advertising is delivered at a household level, so ads are often inaccurately targeted. The ‘Streaming Signals’ solution aims to change this by using machine learning algorithms, Nielsen’s panel data, and CTV provider viewership data to enable targeting at a more individual level.
The solution sends CTV providers information about who is most likely to be watching certain content within a household. This data can then be used by the CTV provider to deliver a more appropriately targeted ad, meaning that both media buyers and media sellers are able optimise and measure CTV reach more effectively.
Nielsen uses the example of Sons of Anarchy being watched in a household, and the 35-year-old male watching the show being served an automotive ad rather than a yoghurt ad.
The marketing research firm believes that Streaming Signals is well-suited to its Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) clients. The DAR solution provides a cross-platform view of digital audiences across computers, smartphones, tablets, and CTV.
“Nielsen Streaming Signals brings a layer of unmatched real-time, person-level demographic precision to audience optimisation,” said Ameneh Atai, General Manager Digital and Advanced TV at Nielsen. “We know that the media industry is going through accelerated change, switching to a streaming-first approach, and with an audience watching programming whenever, wherever, and on a number of devices. Nielsen is the only one that is unbundling the household because we are the only ones that sit at the intersection of the streaming behaviour and audience data.”