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Human contact still key to customer service, say UK SMEs 

Research from Gamma Communications has revealed that over a third (35%) of the UK SMEs surveyed consider human-to-human voice calls to be their customers’ top communication choice, ahead of emails, online web chats and text.

 A further, 87% of SMEs agreed that voice calls and human-to-human connection were important to the customer experience their business provides, with half (51%) saying they are ‘very important’ to this service. 84% of SME leaders surveyed agreed that superior customer experience over the phone is likely to support the growth of their business.  

The research also reveals the significant impact human to human voice calls on customer loyalty. 80% of consumers say they’d stay with a business offering excellent customer service over the phone. SMEs align with this consumer sentiment, as 87% believe that customers are likely to choose a business that has a business phone line and voice services to call, with good connectivity, over one that doesn’t. 

In addition, 43% of SMEs value faster internal communication via voice calls, while 39% of SME leaders state phone calls aid communication with suppliers, underlining their efficiency and clarity for collaboration both internally and externally. 

Chris Wade, Chief Marketing and Product Officer at Gamma Communications: “While digital channels provide convenience, our research sheds light on the enduring value of voice. For many customers, human interaction remains the most important for a great customer experience and clear communication. It’s evident that businesses that prioritise excellent human to human customer experiences stand to win over loyal customers and gain a competitive edge.”


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