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Can programmatic DOOH keep our shops busy?

Can programmatic digital OOH advertising help keep our shops busy? That was the overall question puto to a table of industry experts at a roundtable debate recently from Storeboost and NDA.

The debate featured: Jem Djemal, Global New Business Lead,  VIOOH; Ollie Shayer, Omni-Media Director – Boots UK; Jon Lefley, Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi UK; Neil Morris, Founder, Grand Visual; and Jayne Logan, Director of Client Success, Metageni; and Storeboost Co-Founder Dan Douglas.

One of the biggest takeouts from the discussion was that to be truly effective in driving the retail bottom line, DOOH needed to be briefed as talking to shoppers, driving them to store, rather than just as brand advertising.

As Douglas pointed out, ‘It can be five to six times more expensive so we need to ensure we measure effectively to ensure we prove its value.”

As Ollie at Boots said, ‘this is a real revolution and we need to join up in-store activity, proximity marketing and DOOH to put the customer right at the centre of our omni-channel marketing.’ 

VIOOH’s State of the Nation report found 47% of campaigns planned, bought or placed Programmatic Digital Out of Home in the previous 18 months – and even more planned to do so going forward. 

Overall, it’s clear that programmatic out-of-home is growing quickly.

Despite this, the medium is still in its infancy. Programmatic specialists need to educate the industry to create more value and create a more business-as-usual use case.

The roundtable debate makes fascinating viewing for a deeply-insightful take on how programmatic OOH advertising can play a crucial role in the renaissance of the high street.

Watch the first in a series of video excerpts of the discussion here.


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