Each week, NDA Editor Justin Pearse will be casting his eye over some of the week’s more important industry stories and highlights must-read articles you may have missed.
NDA released the results of our own research into the predicted impact of the pandemic on the industry, the Digital Advertising Industry Sentiment Tracker that was largely overwhelmingly positive for the industry.
So it’s great to see more such positive news across the press. As reported in Campaign, the week kicked off with the The World Federation of Advertisers’ latest report finding that more than half of international businesses had stopped delaying media spend.
As the story points out, “This is a considerable change from a previous WFA report in June, when the overwhelming majority (92%) said they would defer campaigns as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
But that wasn’t all. As images of green shoots start to sprout across our industry’s press, Adexchanger reported later in the week that eMarketer’s latest predictions found US digital diplay ad spend up 10% this year, another welcome change form their earlier prediction on only 6.2%.
evised stats from eMarketer, United States digital display spending will grow by almost 10% this year (vs. a prediction over the summer of just 6.2% growth), while overall digital spending is set to grow 7.5%. it’s a story well worth digging into to discover more cautious good news for channels like CTV and audio.
And when it comes to CTV, that hottest of industry topics, Digiday had a great analysis of Google’s moves in the sector. Google isn’t the first of the tech gians that springs to mind when discussing CTV but, as this fascinating piece makes clear, “Google appears to have the requisite parts in place to be a CTV Goliath. Read it and find out why.
In the UK, it’s the broadcasters moves that are often the most interesting and ITV’s programmatic offering Planet V has been much anticipated over the last year. It finally launched this week, as a detailed story on Videonet discusses, promising advertisers the ability to optimise campaigns in real time. across ITV’s VOD service.
It’s not just ITV inventory this impacts though. As the story highlights, “ITV is in “good dialogue” with other broadcasters and premium publishers who are looking to use this platform, with some already confirmed for a 2021 start. This means third-party inventory will be planned and traded via Planet TV.”
The Conscious Advertising Network (CAN) is a fantastic imitative dedicated to educating advertisers on how they can be more responsible with the advertising budgets. With a mission to stop ad money inadvertently funding some of the worst of online content, from fraud to hate speech and child endangerment,
CAN comprises over 70 different organisations. The Drum’s John McCarthy this week published a fantastic indepth piece on Havas Media Group becoming the first agency holding group to join CAN and now it intends to adopt its manifesto across the group.
Finally, Campaign’s Gideon Spanier has another great article looking at the changing role of the office in adland. It’s another must read for anyone, and let’s be honest that means everyone, wrestling with if and how and to return to their office as COVID restrictions ease. While such decisions will of course be completely subjective, it’s always fascinating to hear how leaders across the industry are plotting their return, or not.