The Women In Programmatic Network was set up to represent women in the programmatic industry. To celebrate its work and its members, NDA will be running a series of interviews with its members. Next we hear from Niki Chana – Director Customer Success, Eyeota.
Why did you join the Women in Programmatic network and what do you hope to get out of it?
I joined as I found it so inspiring and exciting – to grow my network, to keep in touch, to share information and to support my fellow peers!
It is a great initiative to empower women in tech – self growth personally and professionally.
What are the biggest challenges, and opportunities for women in the programmatic industry today?
I think self confidence and more importantly receiving praise and confidence from their peers.
Recognising their own talents. Balancing life and work.
What does the industry need to do to champion women in the programmatic industry better?
Quite simply, raising awareness.
What are the biggest challenges, and opportunities overall for programmatic advertising this year?
Keeping up with new trends, measurement, delivery, defined strategy and data management.
What is your biggest achievement in programmatic to date?
Leading some of the largest publishers and brands. Being a Board member of The Women in Programmatic Network.