NDA has launched Media Pride, a central part of the editorial brand, focusing on the LGBTQIA+ community.
Media Pride is a content and events initiative that will provide a space for discussion and debate around LGBTQIA+ issues in our industry.
Representation and diversity are top of the agenda for both NDA and the industry as a whole and the launch of Media Pride is designed to celebrate this.
NDA has partnered with Outvertising for the launch of Media Pride and formed an advisory board to ensure the initiative is held accountable.
The Media Pride advisory board includes Mandy Rayment, Director Of Communications at Publicis Media; Tamara Littleton, CEO, The Social Element; Jerry Daykin, Head of Global Media, Beam Suntory; Bryan Scott, Marketing Communications Director, Ozone; Chris Kenna, Chairman & Founder, Brand Advance Group; Marty Davies, Joint CEO, Outvertising; and Mike Murray, Head of Programmatic, Mindshare.
Media Pride will take the form of an ongoing content programme across NDA and regular in-person events.
Media Pride is dedicated to exploring all aspects of the LGBTQIA+ community in our industry. This will include features such as a roundtable debate looking at the responsibility of advertisers to ensure their media spend doesn’t support disinformation around the trans community in particular.
“We’re not launching Media Pride as a token tie-in to Pride month,” said NDA Editor Justin Pearse. “This is a long-term initiative to ensure we are being fully inclusive in how we cover and support the entirety of the industry we love.”
New Digital Age believes in not only giving a voice to the industry but also offering opportunities to bring people together. On International Women’s Day 2023, we hosted 140 people over lunch to celebrate the amazing women in our industry. This event was part of the Digital Women initiative launched at Cannes Lions 2022 in association with Advisory Collective.