Bruce Daisley, Author of the Joy of Work began his talk at the 99//Club Digital Festival with a bold statement: “The era of office culture is over”. “Office culture is dead and it’s only if we start thinking about how communities on the web before have built passion and connection through the screen that we’re going to channel these things”.
Businesses need to react accordingly if they want to remain successful. “It’s the extent that we accept that the world has changed that will define us”, Bruce urged listeners. “It’s a big opportunity for us and we need to take advantage”.
NDA will be publishing highlights from the Festival, run in partnership with MAD//Fest, over the coming weeks.
The week-long invite-only festival was a collaboration between MAD//Fest and New Digital Age. Over the course of five days, 99 speakers debated topics across themes including media and tech, customer experience and personalisation, brand experience and creativity and innovation for growth.