Nick Bamber, Chief Growth Officer at Missguided, championed holistic metrics in his 99-second talk for the The 99//Club Digital Festival, arguing that you must review the holistic trends in your business in order to grow your business.
Looking at channel specific measurements won’t bring you the growth your business desires, according to Nick, “you’ve got to look at total business performance; total traffic, total new acquisition, total revenues”.
In the video below Nick also discusses why you need to know your threshold and why you should be wary of last click ROAS and last click CPA measurement.
NDA will be publishing highlights from the Festival, run in partnership with MAD//Fest, over the coming weeks.
The week-long invite-only festival was a collaboration between MAD//Fest and New Digital Age. Over the course of five days 99 speakers debated topics across themes including media and tech, customer experience and personalisation, brand experience and creativity and innovation for growth.