Interviews, insight & analysis on digital media & marketing

My Best Marketing Tip: “Stay curious” – Tatyana Kahl of VISA Europe

By NDA columnist Tom Ollerton, founder, Automated Creative

Tatyana Kahl, Marketing Director for Activation and Usage at VISA Europe, thinks that marketers need to stay curious before anything else. And she’s not just thinking about gathering and analysing marketing trends and performance data. She means being curious about the world and its people, too.

As marketers, we need to appeal to people and attract their attention with messages that are relevant enough to them. That can only be done by those who listen to people, who understand their pain points and their inspiration sources.

Now more than ever, as we move into a world of permission marketing where disruption is going to be harder to achieve, marketers need to get closer to the consumer. As Tatyana puts it, “brands need to be enablers on the consumer’s side.” Gone are the days when you could spend a lot of your budget on a flashy TV ad, knowing that your target audience had no choice but to watch it.

Consumers today can shield themselves from the messages they aren’t interested in, so disruptive marketing is obsolete. At the same time, “traditional marketing” like consumer groups, focus talks, surveys etc., give Tatyana more information about what people really want and how to connect with them.

From her everyday work perspective, she uses this to look at creating more than pre-purchase brand building. In Tatyana’s view, brands need to start thinking more about the long game, and create several touch points and brand moments with consumers. This means engaging more closely at point of sale, but also beyond the purchase moment. How can brands stay relevant and present in consumers’ lives for the long term – that is the question she finds herself asking in her work today.

Listen to Tatyana explain how she thinks brands and consumers should interact, and find
out what her best investment has been in the world of work, on the podcast here.

The Shiny New Object podcast is a production of Automated Creative, an adtech platform
that turns brands’ media impressions into marketing intelligence. Find out more