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Bluestripe Connect to host get together at Maison NDA in Cannes

Bluestripe Connect, a joint venture between The Bluestripe Group ( the parent company of NDA) and The Advisory Collective has announced that it will be holding a meet-up at Maison NDA, our home in Cannes next week.

Bluestripe Connect is a commercial strategy and business acceleration service that supports adtech businesses’ growth through a unique combination of commercial and communications consultancy and execution.  It brings together experienced consultants and practitioners with in-depth experience in the adtech marketplace to help businesses build, develop and communicate their commercial propositions.

Unlike traditional business development offerings, Bluestripe Connect seamlessly integrates commercial strategy and communications, helping businesses to develop their proposition, communicate it to their target audience and close the loop with active lead generation.

The service can support businesses at any stage of their development, from new entrants looking to develop their commercial proposition in the UK market to more established businesses who are looking to drive additional leads and growth.

If you’d like to meet with the Bluestripe Connect team you can sign up at for an informal get together at Maison NDA at 10.00am on Thursday 20th June. Just sign up here.

Maison NDA can be found at  59 Rue Félix Faure,

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