Saving journalism, supporting modern publishing and reaching audiences both broad and niche.
These are some of the fundamental reasons for advertisers using publishers as a tool for reach and supporting them to continue as vital news sources for the modern age.
NDA will dedicate February to focusing on publishing. We intend to look at how publishers can monetise and evolve with their audiences, and how brands can support publishers while building their awareness and customer bases through innovative collaborations.
NDA will be working with partners to shine a light on best practice, new ideas and interesting opportunities for both the media owners and brands.
Activities over the month include the NDA focus month with content from partners, our state of the nation series and our month-closing roundtable discussion, Additionally, February will feature our Publisher Pitches event, where four partners meet four publishers to discuss face to face (virtually) what their solutions can offer in terms of innovation, revenue generation and audience engagement.
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