Interviews, insight & analysis on digital media & marketing

My Digital Hero: Charles Parkinson, Co-host of podcast ‘How I Became’

Charles Parkinso is Co-Host of the podcast ‘How I Became’ recently entering the Top 10 UK Careers Podcasts on Apple Podcasts.

Who is your digital hero?

Shannie Mears, Co-Founder and Head Of Talent at The Elephant Room.

What has she done to win hero status in your eyes?

Shannie is a beacon for how to back up your talk with action. She consistently takes tangible actions to make this industry move forward in a way that makes a meaningful impact in people’s lives.

I know hundreds if not thousands of people have been positively directly impacted by the work Shannie does. And she is a fantastic example of how to make a difference in this world.

How has their heroism helped drive digital?

Shannie created One Month Mentors. Every year people’s lives are changed by this program. It’s been so successful Clarkes got involved early on to support it and still do to this day.

Since launching in 2020, 200 people have had access to C-suite and senior leaders they wouldn’t have done otherwise. The butterfly effect of this is immense.

That’s real action.

And that’s just one thing Shannie has done. She has been doing this her whole life, from childhood, supporting communities around her, as it’s inspiring.

The people who inspire you to be better are amazing people.

What the biggest challenges in digital we need another hero to solve?

The agency business model is broken. It’s a race to the bottom.

What is your most heroic personal achievement so far in digital?

Creating a safe place on our podcast How I Became for business leaders of multi-million and multi-billion pound organisations to share their most intimate challenging moments to help show people across the world, that they’re not alone going through their personal challenges and there is hope that they can get through this. Messages like this can save lives, save relationships and inspire change.