Interviews, insight & analysis on digital media & marketing


Nexxen expands Vevo’s footprint through new partnership

Nexxen has today announced a partnership with Vevo, the music video network. By partnering with Nexxen’s supply-side platform, Nexxen SSP, Vevo says they will is grow its programmatic footprint, granting a wider variety of advertisers access to its premium inventory, particularly across CTV.


Apathy over anxiety: Decoding consumer attitudes towards AI

The realm of AI assistants is technically astounding, but at times it seems that the actual wants and needs of consumers are all but forgotten as the tech giants slug it out in a multi-billion-dollar model-measuring contest.
So, let’s get back to basics and look at some of the real insights we can glean around the human attitudes and feelings towards the technology.
Do people actually want it? And, if so, what for?