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Tripadvisor survey: Non-travel brands thrive throughout holiday process

The majority of global travellers take an interest in purchasing non-travel products when planning or during trips, according to research by travel guidance platform Tripadvisor.

The study, where 4,000 travellers from across seven marketers were surveyed, found that 84% of holidaymakers consider purchasing from non-travel brands alongside their trips. This could be electronics, personal care items, retail, streaming, food, alcohol, or financial services.

This number grows to 90% when looking at Millennials and Gen Z, compared to 81% amongst Boomers and Gen X.

“The end-to-end travel journey creates numerous moments for brands to connect with consumers. Travellers are not only open to new experiences and offerings, but are also making some of their largest decisions on discretionary spend during this time. From the planning stages to in-destination, advertisers across every sector can unlock incredible opportunities to capture attention and influence purchase decisions, especially among younger travellers.” said Matthew Dacey, Vice President, Global Marketing, Tripadvisor.

“For brands that leverage these audience insights and incorporate travel solutions into campaign planning, every trip becomes an opportunity to create meaningful relationships and capture share with this group of highly engaged and receptive consumers.”

The survey also uncovered that, during the inspiration phase, travellers are nearly twice as likely to engage with streaming services over any other non-travel category, highlighting the role that digital content plays in shaping travel decisions.

As travellers transition to the booking phase, financial services receive a 39% boost in consideration. Moreover, travellers are 40% more likely to utilise budgeting and expense tracking apps, while nearly 25% will consider travel insurance.

When comes to preparing for their trips, travellers become six times more likely to consider personal care and twice as likely to consider electronics, compared to other travel phases.

Finally, while in transit, travellers seek out convenient access to snacks. This switches to a focus on alcohol and fast-food once in-destination. In fact, alcohol consideration is five times higher, and quick service restaurant and fast-food consideration twice as high, with 20% seeking a sense of variety or newness.

*Tripadvisor is a client of Bluestripe Communications, owned by Bluestripe Group, publisher of NDA

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